
APEC Meeting in Yokohama

The APEC meeting which will be held in Yokohama in November, makes news here in Odawara also. Same prefecture, same police force therefore same precautions, I suppose.




Odawara Station

Odawara Station was rebuilt a few years ago and it looks completely different. Really nice. It stands up well against almost any other regional train station in Japan (in my opinion).


Hojo Soun Statue in Front of Odawara Station

Hojo Soun (北条早雲) was the most famous Daimyo or feudal ruler of Odawara and what is now Kanto.


Flooding of Sakawagawa River in Odawara 2

Flooding of Sakawagawa River in Odawara 1

Typhoon number 9 really dumped a lot of rain on Odawara yesterday. Sakawagawa was the highest I have ever seen.